Friday, November 15, 2013


D.O Shelley Alexander recently sat down with and answered some questions.

Medical technology is advancing at an incredible rate, and patients young and old are recovering from diseases that were death sentences just a few decades ago. Even so, prevention is still far better than cure. People are living longer, but not necessarily healthier, and it's critical that current and soon-to-be retirees preserve their well-being by proactively managing risk factors.
Fortunately, the Affordable Care Act has provided for several preventive health measures for Medicare recipients. The ACA reduces or eliminates out-of-pocket costs for a variety of life-saving screenings, and patients now enjoy increased access to their doctors before they get sick.
Whereas patients used to receive only a one-time “Welcome to Medicare” visit during their first year of coverage, they now receive an annual wellness visit with a primary care provider at no out-of-pocket cost. While not a full physical, each of these visits involves a comprehensive health risk assessment. Physicians question patients on their recent injuries and urgent needs, but they also discuss risk factors that could contribute to chronic diseases. These risk factors are compiled into patient records along with family and medical histories, which doctors then use to create screening schedules for their patients.

In most cases, Medicare also covers those subsequent screenings. “The great thing for Medicare recipients is that they're going to provide all preventive screenings at no out-of-pocket cost,” said Shelley Alexander, osteopathic doctor and owner of New You Health Studio in Leawood, Kansas.  You can visit her on the web at While Medicare beneficiaries once had to pay 20% for most preventive services, the program now covers screenings for cancer, depression, obesity, diabetes and a host of other chronic illnesses.
In addition to these screenings, Medicare also now covers counseling, cessation and coaching programs for patients who need to alter their lifestyles. These programs include tobacco cessation, alcohol counseling and even nutritional consultations for people with diabetes and other special dietary needs.

For cases where preventive screenings and lifestyle changes aren't enough, the ACA also mandates greater prescription drug coverage. Before the law went into effect in 2011, Medicare Part D recipients were responsible for 100% of their drug costs once they exceeded their yearly coverage limits until they hit the yearly out-of-pocket spending limit. From 2011 to 2020, this “doughnut hole” will gradually be closed through manufacturer discounts and increased government contributions. As of 2013, consumers must pay 47.5% for brand-name drugs and 79% for generic drugs during the yearly gap. By 2020, both of these figures will be reduced to just 25%.

Because of the ACA's incentives for employer-provided health care, hopeful retirees can start to save — and improve their health — even before they go on Medicare. Most companies are now offering participatory health programs such as gym memberships, health seminars and rewards for employees who complete screenings. These programs are outcome-independent, and employers are required to provide them equally, regardless of participants' current health.
The ACA also provides coverage for “health-contingent” programs, which require participants to achieve specific outcomes outlined by their physicians. These outcomes may include a certain BMI, blood pressure or cholesterol level, or they may involve demonstrable reductions in tobacco use, drinking or other habits. Most coaching and counseling services are covered at 30%, though employers will typically provide half the costs for tobacco cessation programs.
Old age doesn't have to bring poor health or high medical costs. “Old age in and of itself does not cause disease,” said Alexander. “A disease process has to be in place.” Whether they seek the screenings and consultations now available through Medicare or opt for out-of-pocket anti-aging services, retirees need to take preventive measures to preserve their health and savings. Spending small amounts of time and money up front will ultimately prevent major setbacks later in life.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

WHAT IS INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE?? - VP Chris Torline of the New You Health Studio answers this question for you in DETAIL.

VIDEO - What is Integrative Medicine?


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We cannot stop the fact that time waits for no one. However, if you are starting to show signs of "getting older" such as fatigue, inability to maintain muscle mass, weight gain, loss of libido, depression and loss of energy, then these are signs of a the beginnings of a diseased process. YOU NOW HAVE A CHOICE! You can continue upon your current health path in which you will adhere to the heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other unattractive statistics for health and mortality rates, or you can come to New You Health Studio and learn how to slow down and prevent the negative effects of your diseased aging.
A recent news article by CNBC identified that Americans are much less healthy than they think. In a study commissioned by Aetna, 54% of Americans responded that they think they can be healthy even if they are overweight! This disconnect allows us to mentally justify the fact that the majority of your friends are overweight that it's ok or normal to be unhealthy. Your weight is very important to your health, but it is only one of many factors. In your first month with Dr. Alexander, you will understand how your weight is important in your health, and how all of the inner-workings of your body's systems are so important for your health. Together, we can achieve a New You: feeling and looking better than you have in years. Our patients come to New You because they want to feel better, and also because their family deserves that they do everything they can to prevent disease.

Be Sure to Visit our Site on Comprehensive Aging by Visiting us at

The Comprehensive Value Program is a premiere annual program for those who aspire to reach their highest level of wellness and to MAXIMALLY delay, prevent, and potentially reverse the degenerative diseases of aging. This is the only way to go if you are serious about experiencing a higher quality of life.
This fully comprehensive program will integrate Dr. Alexander's extensive knowledge and experience of Internal Medicine with her anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine expertise. Are you unsatisfied with your current level of healthcare? Do you have undiagnosed medical problems that you are struggling to have identified and corrected? Dr. Alexander listens. Her experience and credentials are unmatched within her field. She is a lifetime learner who cares about each and every one of her patients as a family member. Her goal is to reduce the need for pharmaceutical drugs so that symptoms are corrected by solving the underlying problem. No more do you need to spend unnecessary money on prescription drugs and suffer their side effects, at New You we strive to make you holistically and naturally healthy. Only then can you achieve optimal health and performance.
When you are ready TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER, utilize our patient portal at the top of our homepage or call and set up your initial consultation tour with Dr. Alexander. Finally here in Kansas City, New You Health Studio is the type of medicine you have been looking for. Contact us today, we are here to help you achieve the quality of life you deserve!